MN Carbon eFoil - Removing and Installing Prop Module

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1. Ensure the Propeller is not fitted to the module. If so remove as you will not be able to install the wedge cover. 

2. Apply a small amount of Tef-gel or silicone grease to the thread of the module. Remove the Dust Cap if fitted to the module.

3. Install the Prop Module by screwing the module to the motor of the Carbon eFoil counter clockwise. Note it is a reverse thread.

4. Once you have hand tightened the module. You will need to use the provided Fuselage Ring Nut Spanner to finish the installation. Install the Module so that it is tight to the motor and cannot be turned any further.

5. If you notice during the installation the module gets stuck at any point, reverse the module out a couple of threads and start again. Alternatively you can place the Prop drive removal washer and pin or a small Allen key from the accessories pouch into the allocated hole for the propeller pin. Turn the shaft 90 degrees, this should align the teeth of the gearbox with the motor pinion for easy installation. 

6. Fit the Wedge cover over the module and push tight into position. 

7. Fit your propeller. For further instructions on propeller installation visit the Technical Guides



1. Remove the propeller first, For instructions on removing various types of propellers please visit the Technical Guide section of the portal. 

2. Remove the Wedge Cover, by pulling it from the Module. 

3. Place the Ring Nut Fuselage spanner over the module. Once the spanner is in position place. Secure the Prop drive removal washer and pin in place

4. Remove the propeller by rotating the Fuselage ring nut spanner clockwise 

5. If it any time you feel resistance turn a thread back (counter -  clockwise) and begin the process again.

6. Install High performance grease (SACHS) to the inner mating surface of gearbox flange 

7. Add a small amount of Tef-gel if needed to the the thread of the prop module.

7. Once removed and High performance grease added Install the dust cap to protect the gearbox internals. 



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